Today I kick off a series of posts about my beliefs. This will cover multiple parts of my life and the beliefs I have about the universe and supernatural beings as a whole. This will help me know myself more, and contribute to filler in my blog.
First, I’ll speak of the thing that keeps me tethered.
I believe in a triune God, a three-in-one package (father, son, spirit). Each of the three are the parts of an apple: the skin, the flesh, and the core. God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, when the world had forgotten the grace of God and decided that God necessitated us to set rules on every aspect of life to achieve salvation. Such rules-based faith leads to paralysis, when one must remain spiritually clean.
Jesus Christ came to tell how God only wants our faith in Him for our salvation. Though God also challenges us to reach for a high road--
“Defy the norm in human sense,
Aim yourself for Godliness,
That high road we will never reach,
But still aim, brothers, I beseech,
For, in that search, one may find,
Perfect union with the One Divine,
And in this Godless city and age,
That is truly a remarkable change.”
Now, there are multiple aspects to our place in this world, and how God interacts with us. The few I will enumerate are:
1: Free choice. God gives us the ability to choose our actions. This means that tragedy and despair can come about because of someone else's actions. This also means that this tragedy can come from you, and hurt another person, even if inadvertently. It is this exclusive right of humanity that allows us to come to God of out own volition. Thus, if I should want to reach for the high road mentioned above, I should not try to force my views on anyone, but I would be doing my God a disservice if I did not attempt to tell people of Him.
2: Equal Sin. God counts all sins as equal. Murder and arson are equal with lying and stealing. Sin is simply separation from God.
3: Infinite Grace. God will forgive you for any sin so long as you go to Him to ask forgiveness. But, as with any addiction, you are never truly repentant until you stop sinning.
4. The High Road. Since we never stop sinning, we'll never truly be sorry for our actions. But God's expectations for us are finely tuned for each of us, and the High Road is always that expectation. We fall short of it constantly. Another aspect of his grace comes in here.
5. God's Saving Grace. God's willing to accept us as we are, with all our faults, if we turn to Him. He will hold us accountable to our sins, but, as I said before, his expectations are finely tuned to each of us.
Now, because of these aspects, no one human has a right to condemn someone, or make a judgment on
someone's soul. That is for God to do and God alone. But actions are acceptable to judge on, after careful consideration for the situation at hand.
More to come.
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