Today, i'm going to relate something to
something else. I’ll start with humor, and hopefully end with much
the same effect. I'm going to relate the band Train and trying to put
out fire with gasoline.
The band Train flew onto my radar with
their hit song “Hey Soul Sister”, which I grew annoyed of
quickly. Recently, though, the seeming harmlessness of the band's
lead vocalist turned sour with their new single, “Drive By.” The
song related his love for a particular somebody with:
a “two ply hefty bag of love”,
a drive-by (which my friends all say
“oh, it's just meaning to say, he's not just driving by, he's here
to stay” – no. When I type in “drive by” on Google, the first
four responses are all Train, then the next seven are: 3 drive by
shootings, one drive by truckers, something about piracy, and a link
to google images, which shows only burnt up vehicles. “drive by”
in my book means, to drive by somebody while lighting them up. What
am I supposed to think he means by “not a drive by”? He'll stay
and make sure you're dead before making his escape?),
a “virus” or a widely popular and
public fad that'll soon burn out (thus making his whole song moot) –
amongst other things. I’ll digress if I go any further.
The point I’m getting at is, the lead
singer forgot to put reality ANYWHERE in his work. I only listened to
the first minute and a half before cutting back to something more
calming and harmless: Marilyn Manson.
Now, I usually agree with subtle humor
in music, and anyone who can throw in a few sexual jokes using such
methods is a friend of mine. Let me show you what he put in as a
whole half of a verse in his song (along with a critique to the side
of each lyric):
you moved to west L.A or New York or Santa Fe (okay, that's somewhat
solid, good job listing things, buddy)
didn't leave you cause I was all through (you were all through? What?
“i was through with you, so I didn't leave?”)
see? This guy deserves to be heavily medicated. I mean, I have no
idea why his career is going up in flames this brightly. Someone pour
gasoline, let's hope he burns brighter. Oh wait, that analogy doesn't
work. Oh, my sources tell me he is not, in fact, going up in flames.
Well, someone douse him anyway. And use matches.
do not like Train.
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